StarBucks network analysis
The purpose of this project is to perform basic network analysis on the Starbucks locations in Riverside, California. Using the results from this analysis, we will decide which of these locations to close based on variable demographics. These maps depict a service area that is based on a three minute travel time parameter. Each location has had its population and average median income acknowledged based on the service area provided by each location. Map A1 takes a look at all the Starbucks locations in Riverside, California and their respective service areas while map A2 compares the O/D cost matrix for the chosen location we have decided to close. The maps labeled B1, B2, and B3 are meant to observe the three potential locations we wish to close based on poor potential attendance by population and a correlation between median income and liquid capital to spend at said Starbucks location. In addition there is a statistical analysis with our final conclusion. Click on each map to expand.